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Thursday August 8, 2024 3:00pm - 5:00pm IST
Authors - Kalpitha S Naik, Asmathunnisa N, Jagadish S Kallimani
Abstract - Fake news more precisely misinformation or false information can be a small piece of information but holds the ultimate power to create a big impact. Such news usually spread like wildfire especially on platforms such as social media which often triggers people’s mind and can lead to changing one’s opinion, belief or even facts and leads to real-world consequences. Not all fake news influence people in a bad way sometimes a little change of thoughts can be good but that doesn’t justify that the intention behind the fake news is a positive one. Fake news are often shared with the intention to manipulate people and this can be further achieved by the advancement of technology and by the introduction of several Artificial Intelligence based tools that creates content that deceive people. People especially on a social media platform often share a piece of information that they come across without first verifying if it’s a legitimate piece of information or not but sometimes people also share such information even after finding out its a false piece of information just to create disbelief among the people. This study aims to provide researches with a statistical and a graphical representation of how and what kind of impacts are caused by such fake news and the consequences and the laws that one has to face in case of occurrence of such events.
Paper Presenter
Thursday August 8, 2024 3:00pm - 5:00pm IST
Virtual Room D Goa, India

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